Jordan and Samuel’s fall engagement session in Texarkana, Texas didn’t exactly happen how we’d originally planned it – but it still turned out so beautiful.
We’d originally planned to do their engagement session in Tyler, Texas, at both their favorite coffee shop (1948 coffee,) and at their favorite park, Tyler State Park. (Where they had one of their favorite dates!)
However, the weekend we were supposed to do their session, a pretty rough storm came through the ark-la-tex area. (The one where a tornado ended up ripping through New Boston, TX!)
The storm brought a bunch of nasty weather along with it, and so with them coming in from the Amarillo area, and me traveling to Tyler from Texarkana, it just didn’t make sense for us to travel to Tyler and shoot when it was going to be 100% chance of thunderstorms all day.
However, they just so happened to be coming in to Texarkana for their last shower before their wedding (on December 17th,) and I was already in Texarkana, so we scheduled their session for Sunday after church! The weather turned out perfect, (it was our only clear day that weekend.)
Pretty wild how you can make your plans, but the Lord is going to direct your steps anyway. Love that about Him. 😉
Jordan and Samuel met when he was living in Austin, and she was living in El Dorado. She had been going to church with his aunt and uncle her whole life, and didn’t know it! So wild.
For their first date, they spent the weekend getting to know each other. They went to the Tyler zoo, ate Mexican food for lunch, got coffee, and had sushi for dinner. Then they went to church together Sunday morning before they went back to their homes. They had a second date the next weekend… so I guess you could say it worked out well. 😉
Before you see the results from their fall engagement session in Texarkana, TX read what they love about eachother (I always love asking this for fun!) …
What SHE loves most about HIM:
- His ability to play guitar, piano, and sing.
- The willingness to go out of his way to make me happy.
- His silly personality that always keeps me laughing.
What HE loves most about HER:
- How sweet and selfless she is.
- Her cooking!
- How beautiful she is.
So excited to shoot their wedding in just a couple of weeks!!
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