When I was a child, I wanted to be a journalist.
I wanted desperately to meet people and tell their stories.
I wanted to be the one who sought people out that I thought were interesting, and then interview them about their lives.
My mom even bought me a journalist barbie and had a book made that went with it, where the journalist’s name was Jessica.
I naturally excelled at reading/writing all through school. (I was at a 4th-grade reading level in the 1st grade. Major bookworm here.)
For a college assignment, when everyone interviewed the dean’s and teacher’s, I interviewed the janitor – and my story scored the highest of all. I’ve just genuinely always loved it.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Now, the cookie didn’t necessarily crumble with me sitting behind a desk at the New York Times, (although I did major in Mass Communications in college… close enough, right?)
Truth is, it was in there all along. The longing to analyze, learn, and borderline stalk people was in there… I just didn’t know the tools I would use to tell their stories with.
Instead of a newspaper, it’s a camera.
Funny how God gives you hints towards what you’re supposed to be doing when you’re small… and as you grow, He shows.
When I have the honor of photographing my couples, I tend to think of what their life is like together.
I’m truly a fly on the wall with a camera and wide eyes. Instead of telling their story, I listen. I watch the way they interact with each other; the way their body language changes as they naturally transition to different parts of the session. I pick up on their inside jokes and their funny quirks. I may be a wedding/elopement/couples photographer… but I’m really a professional third wheeler and story listener.
This, friends – is Mina and Wallid’s story.
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